I decided to break up the photo session into two groups this week.  Today I shaved the puppies faces and around their tails.  They all did excellent with their first little groom and because of that, I didn’t want to overstress them with a ton of photo.  And, they are at the point where I want to get stacked side and front photos of each.  This means I need another person to help.  So, instead of individual photos I went for a couple of nice group shots.

I was playing with background options again.  I like the depth and richness the black background provided, but I had to use a less forgiving aperture setting and any movement caused blur.

White is a bit to harsh for black puppies.  It seems to turn them a touch brown and if I get the puppies exposed correctly, the background is blinding.  Still, they were all SITTING!!  SCORE!

And this is what the vast majority of my photos looked like.

I am not a photographer.  This is just a small hobby at best.  It sure is fun taking photos of these little guys.  I’m having a blast with the practice.
