Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Sasha the Rescue: Update

by | Mar 5, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Sasha’s History is found here  What a change from the dog I picked up last fall!  No worms, no ear mites, no yeast infection in the ears, no matted shut eyes!!!  She is looking awesome!
Two of the picture were before the groomer shots and the other four are the after the groomer glamour shots.  All are of Sasha’s normal daily routines. Apollo and Sasha have become nearly inseparable. They watch out and protect each other . The other day the acupuncturist came to give Apollo a treatment and Sasha kept trying to get between the doc and Apollo.  We finally had to move her to another room which she made very clear she did not like.  Today while Sasha was at the groomers Apollo laid and watch out the window all day for her to come back.  When we brought Sasha back this afternoon both acted as if they had been separated for weeks they were so glad to be back together.
Sasha still counter surfs which Apollo really appreciates as he is a participating beneficiary. We have become very careful not to leave anything on our cabinets these days. Sasha’s daily routine is breakfast at 7AM, followed by a drive to the local Whataburger. Everyone their just loves to see her in the morning. After we get back home she goes for a walk in the LC (lower commons park) then it’s nap time. 6PM we go to the ranch and put the horses to bed, so she gets a good run through the pasture, with the other dog (Winston) at the ranch. Lately Sasha has been getting up just before the alarm, then comes into our room and stares into our face until we wake up.  IF the alarm goes off before we wake up she woof’s at us until we get out of bed.
Hope all is well with you and your family. We can’t thank you enough for allowing us to be adopted by Sasha. She is a complete joy to be around every day.
I will send more updates this summer
We love a happy ending!  Thank you Deborah for taking such good care of this sweet rescue girl.  She deserved her fairytail ending!