Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

River and Jazz are ready for spring!

by | Mar 20, 2015 | Our Dogs, Stud Dogs | 0 comments

I’m heading to get Jazz and River’s eye’s certified with OFA in about an hour.  Hopefully all will be normal with both dogs.   Because I can’t take my dogs to the eye vet looking scruffy, I forced myself to groom everyone this past week, now that the weather has turned warm and ‘mostly’ dry.  The mud pit that was my backyard is turning back into dirt and dead grass, so I don’t feel like I am wasting my time.  These photos were taken a few days ago when I groomed up River boy on Tuesday.   I left a bit of facial hair on him at the request of my son.   I’m not a fuzzy face lover, so I am not sure how long I will be able to stand the beard.  Thankfully River doesn’t feel the need to submerge his head while drinking, unlike Jazz and Jubilee who both leave a trail of water a mile long after a small sip.  I swear they intentionally get an extra mouth full of water so they can squeeze it out through their lips for fun.

I was also able to get Jazz done on Wednesday.  She always looks fabulous groomed up.

Tomorrow starts spring break, so updates to the blog and website will be less often.  I’m trying to get new photos of the dogs before updating their static websites.  It is a time consuming project, but eventually I will have things looking great.  I sent out a cute and funny questionnaire to everyone who is fostering or co-owning my dogs and almost everyone has returned those to me.  It will be included on each dog’s page to add a bit of humor and give you details about their personalities at the same time.  I just need to find the time to get it all finished!
