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Life With Poodles

Update on Merlin and Elvira update

by | Jul 15, 2011 | Health Updates | 0 comments

Merlin and Elvira live in sunny California with the Halstead family.  They are both active therapy dogs.

Merlin was diagnosed with Copper Storage Disease 3-4 years ago, an issue almost unheard of in Standard Poodles. That diagnosis might be incorrect.  It seems he has finally tested positive for Atypical Addisons Disease.  When Sherri first contacted me with concerns for his health, the first thing out of my mouth was “test him for Addisons, he has a full sister (SADIE) with the disease’.  So they did an ACTH stimulation test.  It came back NEGATIVE!  It has been years and they have battled with his health for a long time, many ups and downs.  This news of Addisons finally testing possitive is great!  They can move forward with a treatment and hopefully he will live a long live with few issues. 

Sherri gave me permission to post her email.  Please read his story.  The more information we all have, the more we can know what to look for when Addisons strikes.   I feel SURE that many Standard Poodles die form Addisons, but the owners and vets miss it because it must becomeso bad before it will test positive.  Obviously, it can take years.


Posting the info/photo is just fine.  Maybe it will help someone else.  I assume this is another military move.  You sure have had them.


Hi Becky,

Thought you might like this information.  It may be something you have not heard of before and could be helpful.
We check Merlin’s blood every 4-6 months just to keep an handle on the Copper Storage and how his liver is doing.  He has been great!  All liver functions have been within NORMAL range.  We really do believe the Chinese herbs have helped.  However, his Eastern med vet has left the area.  No one here knows anything about this type of approach.  The office she practiced with continues to order herbs for him, but don’t know anything about how to utilize or change them.  In April one of his liver panels was a little high.  So we decided to recheck in June as that test had not been done while fasting.  sure enough, in June all liver panels were normal after a fasting test.  But the vet noticed something that concerned her.  She admits she “missed” the first sign in April when his albumin was 2.2.  In June it had dropped to 2.1.  Not good.  So started immediate diagnostics to see if his kidney’s were failing.  UA was ok, but urine concentrated and crystalline, so he is now on a vegetarian diet.  She sent us to a specialist in San Diego as her fear was some major liver damage was going on, even though the blood results were good.  Dr. Heart (spec) examined him and said he looked great and all outward signs were healthy.  No diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, lethargy, weakness, pale gums, fluid in the abdomen or lungs, etc., etc…..  Suggested we come home and have our vet do a bile acid to really check liver function.  He took a long shot and added a few other tests including ACTH.  Sure enough, Merlin has come back as Addisons.  Atypical Addisons.  The first in our vet’s practice!  Based on Dr. Heart’s recommendation, he has been started on the lowest dose of prednisone.  As long as he stays Atypical and does not move over to primary Addisons, that should be all he needs.  Both vet’s say he sure did not present as Addisons.  Don’t now if we caught it before he had an Addisonian episode or if maybe the herbs have kept him “healthy” and symptom free.  I remember you said one of his siblings is an Addisons dog  Dr. Heart thinks it is possible he never did have Copper Storage but maybe an episode of some kind.  He was tested for Addisons at that time and it was negative.

Merlin At Rest - It is SUCH a hard life!!

Anyway, since you live in poodle world, thought you might find this useful.  In a weird way, we are glad it was Addisons and it is treatable.  We know can stop guessing and know what to watch for.  Meanwhile, Merlin continues to act perfectly normal like he has no clue he has a medical issue!

Merlin At Work - Therapy Poodles ROCK!

Elvira is still her sassy self and in such demand as a therapy dog.  She has helped to build a program with special needs kids in the schools.  24 schools with over 70 classes and 24 trained dogs in the program.  And it all started with her! Our group has applied for and received certified status with the AKC in order for our volunteers to apply for and get the new “Therapy Dog” title with AKC.  Excited about the ability to have a national recognition for our therapy dogs.  Don’t know if your owners who work their dogs know about this yet.

Elvira Ready for Her Therapy Visit - Elvira is from our first litter. She is a healthy and happy 8.5 year old girl.

Take care, hope all is well
Sherri and Mark Halstead