Well, it has been a wonderful puppy filled day!  Aptitude testing went well.  All the pups did pretty much as expected.  I’m contacting everyone with their results and I hope to know who is going where soon.  I want to do some obedience work with the pups tomorrow, before Sherri decides if this litter will work or if she really needs to wait for the Jazz and Tag litter instead.  I’ll be contacting everyone else once Sherri has her say.  Her needs are extremely specific, so it could go either way.

For now you can enjoy this video of the pups settling in and learning exactly how much fun kids are to be around! I’m not sure what I am going to do once the twins grow up.  They are by far the best socialization a puppy can get!

I’ll be editing photos of the pups tomorrow and will post as soon as I have them all sorted.
