Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Photography tips: Get down on their level

In the previous post I talked about Rule of Thirds to give a photo balance and flow.  If you haven't read the post, go here << Rule of Thirds >> In this blog I will cover another important aspect of photographing animals.  Getting down on their level.  A...

Photography tips: Rule of Thirds

I know I was going to wait a few weeks to start this series, but I just couldn't stand it.  I needed a break from cleaning / repairing the house today, lest I go a bit crazy. This is the first in a series of blog post I will be doing on Photography.  As stated before...


How many of you would like some tips on taking better photos of your own dogs?  I'm going to be in limbo for about a month starting in two weeks.  Keith will be holding down the fort in TX and our house in AL will not be closed on until mid July.  During this time the...

Videos: Ziva and Jordan pups- 7.5 weeks

Here are a couple of fun video's of the babies. First one is with them socializing a bit with Jazz, River, and Lina. The second is them attempting stairs for the first time. Every day is a new adventure!! I LOVE PUPPIES!   INFORMATION ON THE PARENTS OF THIS...

Video: Ziva and Jordan pups training

I made a short video of each puppy doing some very basic training to help each home better understand the pups temperaments and what I see in each baby as a pet, therapy prospect, or performance dog.   All of these dogs will do good in therapy work, though Boromir...

Ziva and Jordan puppies have arrived in TX!

The puppies are here, the puppies are here!!  It was a long and grueling week of house hunting and travel.  We arrived in Arkansas on the 9th, drop off our camper and River at my sisters home, then left at 4AM on Saturday for the long drive to Huntsville, AL.  Within...