Georgie and River Pups Playing in the Water

Hi all! I am excited to do some guest blogging and puppy updates for Becky over the next few days. This weekend the weather was really warm so I decided it would be a great time to let the puppies play outside in the water. Checking out the water. What is that? One...

Males vs Females? What is the difference?

Males vs Females.  Ask any two people which is better and you will likely get two different answers.  Me, I will tell you “It Depends”.  It depends on your lifestyle.  It depends on your goals for the dog.  It depends on the dog itself!  Each puppy born is...

Dog Parks

Dog parks are becoming more popular across the country.  Are they a good thing? It really depends on a few factors.  Is your dog easy going?  Can you read your dog and other dogs to know if a problem might be right around the corner?  Are you confident in your own...

Georgie is having her pups!! And our show weekend. :)

Georgie is right now in the process of having her babies!  So far we have 3 boys and 3 girls.  All solid black, though one boy has a small milk chin!!  I’ll be making an official post once she is done and I have a photo to post. The weekend was crammed packed. ...

Elvira is an AKC Therapy Dog!

Elvira (Halstead) is proudly showing off her newest patch. She has become the first of over 80 working dogs in the Animal Samaritans, SPCA (Palm Springs, CA.) Animal Assisted Therapy program to receive the AKC title Therapy Dog (T.D.).  Animal Samaritans has been...


It is cold, wet, and the entire family is suffering from a cold.  Don’t expect much posted here for a few days.  We are in survival mode. ~Becky