Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Jazz Spa Day

by | Jan 23, 2013 | Our Dogs | 1 comment

After 3 weeks of rotating viruses and a bacterial infection, finally a round of antibiotics has set the family on the path to health.  It took all weekend, but I believe we are on the mend!  With 3 weeks of illness comes neglect.  Thankfully my husband stepped up to the plate and cleaned the house from top to bottom on Monday, his extra day off this week.  He also tackled a mountain of laundry and washed our absolutely unbearable sheets, rolling me out of them long enough to get that nasty job done.  Some women go for a guy who gives her roses.  I go for the one who cleans and washes.  Hands off ladies, this guy is totally taken!

Yesterday I was really improved, so while the kids played outside for a while I sat down and brushed out my matted hairball named Jazz.  She was completely corded on her head, tail, and bracelets I had left on her legs.  I decided to take off the legs poms and save myself the pain of picking though that hair.  My goal was to bath and then maybe groom her up today, if I felt well enough.  This morning was ‘iffy’, I wasn’t sure I was up to the task.  However, by about 10AM I though I could get her bathed and maybe deal with everything else tomorrow.  I swear I got more dirt and sticks out of her hair than any dog I have ever groomed.  It was one of those times I was soooo glad I didn’t take her in to see Kathryn, my groomer friend.  Mud and gunk poured off this dog like nobodies business.  It just about took it out of me bending over and washing her 4 times until the water finally ran clean!

I decided to give myself a little break, tossing the wet Poodle girl in a crate with a comfy bed and took the kids out to lunch.  As we were eating I had an impulse to go visit Kathryn and see her Standard Poodle boy, who is about 8 months old.  I could get my puppy fix and inspire myself to get home and finish up Jazz’s groom.  It worked!  Nothing like hanging out with a bunch of groomers to show you how easy you have it with just two dogs to keep up and get looking good.

So here she is, all groomed up and no place to go.  To bad there isn’t a UKC show this weekend.  Such is life!

Tomorrow it is Flash’s turn!
