Wow!!  Can you guys believe it?  Finally, after several years of planning this litter might actually happen!


Two weeks ago Jazz finally decided to come into season.  I was hoping she would cycle back in June, so I could have bred her before moving all the way to Texas.  That did not happen.  Thankfully, she DID decide to cycle before the kids started school, and after Keith arrived in Texas.  If you have been following my blog for a while you will know my last attempt to breed Jazz to Tag didn’t end well.  Jazz’s last cycle was off and short, and I believe the stress of staying with Linda and Tag was to much.  Oh, Jazz seemed happy to Linda, but I know my stoic girl can really hide her true feelings.  She probably felt it wasn’t safe to get pregnant if she didn’t know what was going on and why she was abandoned to these nice strangers.  In any case, this time I decided I would track her cycle, see if it was age that was causing her to go off or stress, and take my lovely girl up for a breeding right when she was ovulating.


Last Friday I had her blood drawn to check her progesterone levels.  I did not get the numbers until Monday morning, but I felt pretty sure she was having a normal heat cycle by the way River and Code were acting at home.  Turns out I was right, as her numbers on Friday were spot on for a Monday / Tuesday breeding schedule.  Sunday morning I packed up and left San Antonio.  Jazz and I arrived at Linda’s home right at 2pm on Monday.  Within 30 minutes of our arrival the deed was done.  Tag wasted no time, and Linda and I were super impressed with the difference in his reaction this cycle.  Both dogs were all about it.  I’m exhausted after 30 hours of driving, but happy my girl isn’t stressed and our timing was spot on!


Now we are on countdown mode.  I’ll watch for signs she is pregnant and then start contacting people who have placed applications.


One thing you need to know.  I am probably not going to dock tails from this litter.  I do not plan to show anything in AKC and having a long tail doesn’t hurt a dog in performance.  The sire of this litter has his MACH 3 in Agility, and multiple other titles all sporting his full tail.  If you are not interested in a puppy with a long full tail, I understand.  There are tons of great breeders who will be able to help you.  If, however, you are indifferent or eager to have a long tail on your next Poodle, then this might be the best litter for you. Finding a vet who will dock is near impossible, and I understand their reasoning.  I, personally, will not dock my own pups here at home, because it is terribly painful.  I’ve seen it done.  Docking in Poodles truly is a cosmetic procedure, and one I don’t really think I want to continue to support if I am not showing in AKC conformation.


Jazz’s last litter was massive.  I feel sure I lost the smallest puppy due to the fact I docked his tail.  Later that night, after the procedure, he died.  The little pup was simply to small and already under stress.  I’m not willing to risk a baby for something that is only done for looks.   If any of you think it makes a Poodle look like a Doodle, I challenge you to look at Tag’s photos and decide.  To me, he is 100% Poodle.  Length of tail does not a Poodle make.


More information on this litter can be found at this link:    Some folks who have applications already in might not be interested in a full tail on their poodle, so I will be taking a few more applications on this litter just in case.  I’m putting this information out here now so everyone can be well informed before the babies are even on the ground.
