Today, miracle of miracle, the rain stopped!!  We had guest staying with us this weekend, so I was extremely thankful for one day where everyone could play outside and not be both muddy and wet.  Yesterday we stayed indoor, which allowed everyone to hold a baby while we watched TV and chatted.  My pups are pretty much lap dogs, but I think these pups are in total LOVE with this cuddle / nap while chilling on the couch idea!

With the company gone and the pups mostly tired, I took the crew back out into the big yard for some photos a few minutes ago, while I still had light.  I think the rain is suppose to start back up again tomorrow, so we take advantage of what we have when we have it!  We spent all morning with them out in the big yard exposing them to everything from a toddler, a fire pit, the pool (mostly avoiding), my entire crew of Poodles, and 4 older kids ages 7-13 running around being crazy.  They took it all in stride and had a blast!!  It was a big adventure full of swings, trampoline, and stick chewing fun!

Trampoline exposure time!  They thought the footing was really fun, but that might be because they have watched the kids, Jazz, and Code playing on it!  From Left to Right – JAY, STARLING, RAVEN, ROBIN.

JAY – 7 week old male
JAY – 7 week old male

RAVEN – 7 week old female

RAVEN – 7 week old female

ROBIN – 7 week old male

ROBIN – 7 week old male

STARLING – 7 week old female

STARLING – 7 week old female

The pups will have their aptitude testing tomorrow morning.  I hope to get their training videos finished tomorrow as well.  I have some pretty eager folks wanting to know which puppy belongs to them!

Robin and Starling, enjoying the swing!

~ Becky