Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Introducing Marshall!!

KALLISTA LIGHT UP THE NIGHT So who and what is this, you ask?  This is Marshall, the sweetest little Miniature Poodle boy on the planet.  I don't actually live with him, but Gloria and Kelsey at Tintlet Poodles asked if I wanted to help fund his show career.  Kelsey...

Jazz and Tag have bred! Pups due Oct 9th.

Wow!!  Can you guys believe it?  Finally, after several years of planning this litter might actually happen! TAG CATCHING!  BROWN SIRE OF LITTER Two weeks ago Jazz finally decided to come into season.  I was hoping she would cycle back in June, so I could have bred...

Videos: Cadence and Tango Litter

I know I am seriously behind updating the blog, but I have been extremely busy.  I'll post more about that tomorrow.  For now, enjoy these wonderful video's supplied by Kerry!  They are turning into puppies now, ready to explore the world!  ...

Cody doing baby scent games

I know we are all about the puppies and upcoming litters, but I don't want to leave out the fun I am having with my young boy.  Code is such a joy to work.  This past week the kids and I started doing some baby scent games with Cody.  At first they would simply run...

VIDEOS: Cadence and Tango babies

Kerry sent me two wonderful videos of the boys eating and sleeping.  They are 10 days old and very mobile for so young.  Cadence has been an excellent mom, and due to the smaller litter size, these boys are tanking up on milk!  No one is going hungry, and they are...

Jazz in season!

Jazz is back in season, right at the 6 month mark.  I plan to run her up to Nashville in 2 weeks and I have a vet lined up to make sure the job gets done (Tag was far to polite last attempt).  For more information on this litter, please visit the link below. Just a...