Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Training Video: Come / Loose Leash Walking – Part 1

by | Aug 8, 2011 | Training Tips | 2 comments

I’m posting these two video’s ( “Heeling- Step 1”  and  “Come / Loose Leash Walking”) on the same day.  There are a couple reasons.  First, they are linked.  Both teach similar things.  The heeling position video is specific for competition work, where this video on Loose Leash Walking  is useful for everyone on the planet with a dog.  However, you can’t work competition without first having loose leash walking concept firmly in place.  So, I am showing both video’s today in seperate blog post.

In this video I will cover the start of “Loose Leash Walking” and teaching ‘Come’.  They are one and the same in this house.  There are a few things that drive me NUTS and pulling on the leash when we go on a walk is one of them.  My dogs are expected to 1.  Pay attention. 2.  Not bump into me or the kids.  3.  Not wrap the leash around anyone.  4.  Walk without pulling.  What you expect from the dog, you will get if you are consistent in your training.  This method is the fastest way to getting a loose leash walker that does not involve a lot of corrections.

The first thing I teach is tether training.  Putting them on a leash, letting them flop around until they get that pulling gets them no where.  I cover TETHER TRAINING HERE.  Once they understand that little fact, we move to teaching ‘COME’.  I take the dog, put them on a leash, get high value treats (chicken, left over hamburger, etc) and wait for them to look away from me.  Then I say “COME” or “DOGS NAME” “COME, pull the leash to get them moving, stick the treats in their nose, back up, click as they move towards me, give treat.  I repeat this over and over until when I say “COME” the dog is bolting to me with speed and joy.  Once that is happening, I add in distractions.  Dog walks towards the distraction, I call “COME”, do all the above, over and over and over.  Within a day, the dog will be watching you like a hawk when you pick up a leash.  Watch this video with Jazz.  I do add in some sits, downs, stay work 3/4 of the way in just to keep her on her toes.  Mix it up!


Once you have attention and loose leash walking as shown in this video, you can move outside to heavy distractions.  The dog knows how to do it right, now you show them they must do this at the park, down the street, in the front yard, at the petstore buying food.  You should be able to push a buggy and have your pup walking nicely beside you with no fuss as you shop at the store.  Lincoln, the kids, and I had a lovely shopping trip today at Petco.  He sat to greet a ton of people, enjoyed seeing all the fish and birds, picked out a yummy chew bone, and I selected a few nice training treats to keep in the car.  He was a star and no one could believe he was 5 months old.  I expect him to behave like a good boy and he does.  A solid foundation at home will always spill over to public.  Sure, they will need some reminders when distractions come, but the key is having a way to get them focused back on you quickly and rewarding them for that focus.