Murry and Jay at the park

Today we had some overcast sky and decided to take the pups to the park for socialization and fun. This first video we are learning how to navigate the slide. In the second video we take a walk, learn how to follow and not fear new things. In this last video we are...

Puppy Video: Georgie and River pups 7.5 weeks

Where does the time go?  I took this video Friday, had every intention of posting it that night.  Then I forgot about it and now it is Tuesday!!  Ahh well, better late than never. I videoed Zane and Gatsby a couple days ago during their first tether training session. ...

Georgie & River pups: 7.5 week old photos

I managed to get the pups fully groomed today and kept fairly clean until Keith made it home so we could snap some photos.  However, he was home late and by the time we finished dinner, the light was fading fast.  I decided to go with some cute photos tonight and some...

Georgie and River Pups Update: 7.5 weeks

We have been here in TX for a couple days, I have had a chance to call or email everyone who was waiting for pups and as of today, everyone has made their selection.  Congrats to: Sarah in AR is fostering Piper for us and I think she is keeping her name.  She’s...

Volhard’s Puppy Aptitude Testing

I have returned from my 2 weeks in the UK.  What a whirlwind trip that was!  I’ll upload some select photos when I get home and get them sorted and edited.  For now, I wanted to post a link to the aptitude test I will be using today for the pups.  This link has...