Last year the USDA and APHIS proposed legislative changes to a current law that would have caused me to hang up my hat and stop breeding dogs.  That post can be seen here.  Thanks to you and your letters of opposition, the legislative teams did listen and the wording...

Jazz and River to be bred!!

I am excited to announce that my first litter in 18 months will be between Jazz and River.  I haven’t had a litter where both parents live with me in about 8 years!  Anyone wanting a puppy from these two will be able to easily meet both the parents.  How cool is...

Haplotype study in Std Poodles

If you have followed my blog at all, you know that I do not condone inbreeding or even linebreeding within the Standard Poodle breed.  I attempt to keep my Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) below 6% (this would be like having kids with a  second cousin in humans) and...