Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

River gains his Rally Novice title and 3 CERF’s!

by | Nov 5, 2012 | Health Updates, Our Dogs | 2 comments

Some exciting news from the foster dogs who live up in Northwest Arkansas.  The last Saturday in October River gained his second leg needed for his Rally Novice title with a score of 91 shown for the first time by Courtney.  Then Courtney took  George to practice, as she already has her Rally Novice title.  They also qualified with a 97 and achieved first place in Rally Novice B.  Courtney hopes to show Georgie in Rally Advanced soon and this was the perfect show venue to gain some ring experience and remind Georgie what showing is all about.

This past Saturday River finished his Rally Novice title with a score of 99 and second place!!  Not to shabby for this 3rd show and the second time Courtney was his handler!  I am so proud of both of them.  What a great team and an excellent example of what can be done with only a little time to train and even less time to show.

River is now “Alemir River Of Dreams RN, CGC”

On a Health Testing note: Zelda, Georgie, and River all had their eyes re-certified on Saturday and they all passed!!  Always good to get a normal update!  Thank you to both Courtney (River and Geogie’s mom) and Diane (Zelda’s mom) for getting this test completed in such a timely manner.
