Anutta Blog

Life With Poodles

Video: Selah training

by | Nov 19, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Selah is a puppy from our Georgie and River litter earlier this year.  Her family has gone on a mission trip to El Salvador this week and asked me if I could board & train Miss Selah.  As we were planning on staying in Killeen for the Thanksgiving holiday, I said absolutely!

Tara had a few specific things she needed me to work on.  Selah is doing well on her obedience training, but she would get excited and would not listen when kids or dogs were around.  Also, she barks when frustrated or overly excited.  I figured the barking would go away once I worked on her self control and this has indeed held true.

For the last two days I have simply bonded with Selah, tested her understanding of basic obedience commands, and taught her the ‘Hush!” command.  I made sure she understood when I asked for a sit, we sit, no repeating the commands 100 times.  Once I knew her level of training and she understood what I wanted, I could then add distractions.  Below is a video I took today at the park.

Why do I love Poodles?  Because they are super smart!  I suppose I need to start taking video of the dogs when the parents drop them off, then a video of when they pick them up.  That would allow everyone to see the difference.  I can’t wait for Tara to see this video when she gets back in the states!
